Saturday, April 4, 2009

More Projects

My sister Kathy sent this photo to me and suggested that I might want to knit a few of these cute outfits for my chickens. If I start on them now, I might have them done by Christmas. Kathy doesn't see any purpose in these vests except, perhaps, to keep the birds from flying.

I am still working on the chicken fence. Dave finished installing the horse fence yesterday and I have been busy attaching a chicken wire skirt to keep the birds from sneaking underneath the fence in spots where the ground is not level. I also need to finish painting the beehive boxes for our bees which will be here in two weeks! So much to do. Dave has given up on the idea of me painting the chicken house. He will do that this afternoon.

I have been advised not to name my chickens but it is hard not to do so. Paula's friends came up with an excellent name for our Light Brahman. She has adorable 'fringes' on her legs reminiscent of outfits from the 70's. Though she is a female (we hope!), her name is Elvis.